Monday 9 November 2015

Uses and Gratifications

When reflecting on the technologies we use and why we use them, I think of a telephone and how now there are cell phones which aren't simply used to call one another with, but rather they are used for many other purposes. For instance, people use their cell phone to text message one another which is linked to the gratification of socializing, while also staying informed and connected. In addition, the media technology that exists today, to some extent fulfills levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs which identifies different types of humans' needs as shown below.

Our basic needs are Physiological needs and Safety needs which involve our survival, then as each level of needs gets met, we move up on the triangle in order to achieve the next level. The example of cell phones relates to this hierarchy in that the need for belongingness can arguably be fulfilled by us communicating with other people whether it be through texting or social media. Moreover, some people may achieve their esteem needs of feeling accomplished by posting a picture from their phone online to Facebook or Instagram and seeing how many people like that picture. Overall, technology today has allowed people to stay connected to one another across time and space which I think is a significant need that technology has aimed to somewhat meet.

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